Hewlett Packard needed to reposition itself, shifting from a hardware provider to a solutions provider in the B to B segment.
Daniels + Roberts was brought in to conduct an in-depth analysis of multiple vertical industries. D+R’s data showed that the financial services segment would be a key opportunity, with CTO and IT decision makers easy prey for legacy technology providers. Also, CFO and business management teams were already engaged with management consultancies that offered technology practice areas.
The strategy was to engage the CEOs and Presidents of major institutions directly.
Message development evolved as a product of in-depth interview IDI’s and “conjoint” style research. An integrated program was designed, encompassing a “high-touch” direct marketing program to 100 presidents of the largest financial services institutions. Each target was “touched” by personalized program materials with relevant messaging.
HP was presented as the company that understood the finance business and the importance of being prepared for the changes to come… introducing the HP First Global Program for Financial Services.
The program generated a 38% response and compelled HP to commit to this program for six initiatives over four years with continued results of 30+%.